Przykłady z naszej społeczności
Liczba wyników dla zapytania „grammar”: 5 688
Les pronoms démonstratifs (CELUI, CELLE, CEUX, CELLES)
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Vilket genus?
countable and uncountable - dialogues
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L'ordre des pronoms compléments
Possessive adjectives
Prawda czy fałsz
Past Simple - irregular verbs
Znajdź parę
Past Simple - regular verbs
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Prefix and Suffix
ADJECTIVES: comparative (4)
Prawda czy fałsz
Bien dit! 1 - Grammaire 5.1.2 - Les mots interrogatifs
Połącz w pary
Possessives (Steps Plus 4, U6)
Połącz w pary
Verb to be present tense: is, am, are
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a - an
ADJECTIVES: comparative (2)
Present Progressive Verbs: is, are, am + ing
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Present Tense Verb Sentences
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Verb to be past tense: was, were
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Future Tense Verbs
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Past Tense Irregular Verbs
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Past Tense Regular Verbs
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Verb to be present, past, future tense mixed
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Bien dit! 3 - Grammaire 2.2.2 - Le participe présent
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Révision : ÊTRE et AVOIR
Koło fortuny
La construction causative
Sentieri - Strutture 3A.1 - Gli aggettivi possessivi
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Rouge Unité 5 - Le futur avec SI et QUAND
Losowe karty
What are you doing?
Koło fortuny
Fall Actions
Odkryj karty
Sorting Nouns and Verbs
Possessiva pronomen på svenska [lucktexter]
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Bien dit! 1 - Vocabulaire 4.2 - Masculin ou féminin ?
Prawda czy fałsz
Subject Pronouns Cloze
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Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Cloze
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Reflexive Pronouns Cloze
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Irregular Past Tense Verb Sentences
Pronoun Whack-a-Mole
O rety! Krety!
Regular Past Tense Sentences