
Tattum concept 1

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How many Syllables? Tap Them
How many Syllables? Tap Them Test
Open or Closed Syllables
Open or Closed Syllables Posortuj
Comprehension 1
Comprehension 1 Test
Wilson Step 1 Concept Review
Wilson Step 1 Concept Review Przebij balon
Concept 4 Suffixes
Concept 4 Suffixes Połącz w pary
Hard c and Soft c, Hard g and Soft g
Hard c and Soft c, Hard g and Soft g Posortuj
Comprehension 2
Comprehension 2 Test
Suffixes Match Up
Suffixes Match Up Połącz w pary
Open vs Closed syllable
Open vs Closed syllable O rety! Krety!
Comprehension 3
Comprehension 3 Test
Context Clues
Context Clues Test
Hungry Rule Sort
Hungry Rule Sort Posortuj
Concept 4 Blends
Concept 4 Blends Koło fortuny
Concept 4 Suffixes
Concept 4 Suffixes Koło fortuny
EE/EA homophones and spelling
EE/EA homophones and spelling Odkryj karty
CY change or not?
CY change or not? Test
Root Matchup
Root Matchup Połącz w pary
Beware of the Tall King
Beware of the Tall King Losowe karty
Suffixes: ing, s, es, less, est, ed, ful
Suffixes: ing, s, es, less, est, ed, ful Połącz w pary
Hungry Rule
Hungry Rule Test
Vowel Tag
Vowel Tag Koło fortuny
Does it Bully the Baseword?
Does it Bully the Baseword? Teleturniej
Vowel Tag
Vowel Tag Test
Find the /er/ sound
Find the /er/ sound Samolot
 Wilson Step 1 Concept Review (LBC)
Wilson Step 1 Concept Review (LBC) Przebij balon
 Step 1 Concept Review (LBC)
Step 1 Concept Review (LBC) Przebij balon
Green Walkers
Green Walkers Odkryj karty
Comprehension/Cause and Effect
Comprehension/Cause and Effect Połącz w pary
Yellows Posortuj
Front Blends
Front Blends Posortuj
Concept Quiz Wilson 1.3-1.6
Concept Quiz Wilson 1.3-1.6 Test
Does the Vowel Walk Away?
Does the Vowel Walk Away? Posortuj
Rich Words
Rich Words Uzupełnij zdanie
Short Vowels Spinner
Short Vowels Spinner Koło fortuny
Suffixes: ing, s, es, less, est, ed, ful
Suffixes: ing, s, es, less, est, ed, ful Połącz w pary
Doubling rule- yes or no?
Doubling rule- yes or no? Posortuj
Suffix Rules Practice:  1-1-1 Rule
Suffix Rules Practice: 1-1-1 Rule Przebij balon
Anna's  Doubling Rule Quiz
Anna's Doubling Rule Quiz Teleturniej
Level 1 Concept Review
Level 1 Concept Review Połącz w pary
Captain Words Sentence for kids
Captain Words Sentence for kids Uporządkuj
MTA Kit 2 Concept 30 K and C Rule
MTA Kit 2 Concept 30 K and C Rule Test
1 more, 1 less
1 more, 1 less Koło fortuny
Grade 1 MP 1 HFW
Grade 1 MP 1 HFW Losowe karty
Kid's Box 1, Unit 1: Colors
Kid's Box 1, Unit 1: Colors Znajdź parę
 Yellows Quiz
Yellows Quiz Teleturniej
Open the Box Yellow
Open the Box Yellow Odkryj karty
KB1_Numbers 1-10
KB1_Numbers 1-10 Test
Suffix Rules Practice for Andrew
Suffix Rules Practice for Andrew Labirynt
Long U Best Vs Rest
Long U Best Vs Rest Posortuj
Scribal O
Scribal O Labirynt
Does it make the Hard of Soft Sound?
Does it make the Hard of Soft Sound? O rety! Krety!
PacMan Does the Vowel Walk Away?
PacMan Does the Vowel Walk Away? Labirynt
1.4 Las frutas y verduras
1.4 Las frutas y verduras Połącz w pary
1.4 Números 20-100 en español
1.4 Números 20-100 en español O rety! Krety!
TOYS! Połącz w pary
1.4 Las comidas y bebidas
1.4 Las comidas y bebidas Połącz w pary
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