
English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) Countable uncountable

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10.000+ resultados para "esol countable uncountable"

Some/any/a/an - countable/uncountable with food and containers
Some/any/a/an - countable/uncountable with food and containers Questionário
How much...?  How many...?
How much...? How many...? Classificação em grupos
Countable/uncountable Classificação em grupos
countable uncountable
countable uncountable Classificação em grupos
Countable & Uncountable
Countable & Uncountable Verdadeiro ou falso
Countable /Uncountable
Countable /Uncountable Verdadeiro ou falso
Countable/uncountable Classificação em grupos
Countable & Uncountable Nouns - Food
Countable & Uncountable Nouns - Food Classificação em grupos
ESOL E2 Countable and Uncountable nouns
ESOL E2 Countable and Uncountable nouns Classificação em grupos
Countable and uncountable nouns
Countable and uncountable nouns Classificação em grupos
countable uncountable and both
countable uncountable and both Classificação em grupos
Countable & Uncountable Food
Countable & Uncountable Food Classificação em grupos
Countable/Uncountable Classificação em grupos
Countable &  Uncountable
Countable & Uncountable Classificação em grupos
Countable/uncountable Acerte as toupeiras
countable uncountable
countable uncountable Verdadeiro ou falso
Countable & Uncountable Quiz
Countable & Uncountable Quiz Questionário
Countable or Uncountable Food?
Countable or Uncountable Food? Classificação em grupos
Homophones for L1 ESOL
Homophones for L1 ESOL Questionário
Esol english
Esol english Associação
ESOL Desembaralhe
Countable and uncountable nouns
Countable and uncountable nouns Complete a frase
Countable and uncountable nouns
Countable and uncountable nouns Classificação em grupos
Countable / Uncountable Group Sort
Countable / Uncountable Group Sort Classificação em grupos
Countable/uncountable Classificação em grupos
Countable/ Uncountable
Countable/ Uncountable Classificação em grupos
How much...? How many...? EF ele 4th 9b
How much...? How many...? EF ele 4th 9b Complete a frase
Countable and uncountable - a or some?
Countable and uncountable - a or some? Questionário
 Sport and games quiz
Sport and games quiz Questionário
Present Simple Tense (subject + verb)
Present Simple Tense (subject + verb) Questionário
Beginner questions (sharing information about self)
Beginner questions (sharing information about self) Roleta aleatória
 wh questions
wh questions Questionário
Verb to be questions
Verb to be questions Questionário
Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL)
Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL) Vire as peças
Short or long e sound
Short or long e sound Classificação em grupos
Countable vs Uncountable
Countable vs Uncountable Classificação em grupos
Greetings and responses in English
Greetings and responses in English Associação
Warm up Countable/uncountable
Warm up Countable/uncountable Classificação em grupos
Numbers memory game 1-10
Numbers memory game 1-10 Combine os pares
Modes of transport
Modes of transport Associação
 Zero conditional
Zero conditional Associação
Contractions Entry 1 ESOL
Contractions Entry 1 ESOL Associação
Question Words
Question Words Complete a frase
Do you like?
Do you like? Roleta aleatória
Days of the week
Days of the week Anagrama
What can you do?
What can you do? Roleta aleatória
Order of days of the week
Order of days of the week Ordem de classificação
I can talk about illness: What's the matter? ESOL Entry 1
I can talk about illness: What's the matter? ESOL Entry 1 Roleta aleatória
English alphabet
English alphabet Associação
Prepostions of place
Prepostions of place Questionário
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