
Mathematics Grade 3 4 vc112a

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Addition - Multiple Digits (no regrouping)
Addition - Multiple Digits (no regrouping) Questionário
Place Value - Tens and Ones
Place Value - Tens and Ones Questionário
Odd and Even Numbers
Odd and Even Numbers Classificação em grupos
Worded Addition
Worded Addition Questionário
Addition 1 - 10
Addition 1 - 10 Encontre a combinação
Counting 1 - 20
Counting 1 - 20 Questionário
Parts of the body
Parts of the body Imagem com legenda
The Solar System
The Solar System Imagem com legenda
Pictograph Questionário
How Many?
How Many? Questionário
Engage Task: Mental Maths Quiz (Mixed Topics)
Engage Task: Mental Maths Quiz (Mixed Topics) Questionário
Place Value
Place Value Questionário
3 not 3 goldilocks
3 not 3 goldilocks Cartas aleatórias
Lifecycle of a butterfly
Lifecycle of a butterfly Questionário
Subtraction (number sentence)
Subtraction (number sentence) Questionário
target grade 3 /4  general revision quiz
target grade 3 /4 general revision quiz Questionário
Counting by 2's
Counting by 2's Desembaralhe
Time - Mixed Questions
Time - Mixed Questions Questionário
Maths and ordering letters and numbers
Maths and ordering letters and numbers Questionário
Algebra intro quiz
Algebra intro quiz Questionário
Match Up - Negative Numbers (+-)
Match Up - Negative Numbers (+-) Associação
solving equations with brackets
solving equations with brackets Associação
Metric measures examples
Metric measures examples Classificação em grupos
Match the ratio with it's simplest form.
Match the ratio with it's simplest form. Associação
parts of a circle quiz
parts of a circle quiz Questionário
de Anônimo
Travelling: speed, distance & time
Travelling: speed, distance & time Encontre a combinação
Writing numbers in words match up
Writing numbers in words match up Associação
Factorising quadratics simplified
Factorising quadratics simplified Associação
Algebra - Expanding single brackets - Foundation
Algebra - Expanding single brackets - Foundation Questionário
de Anônimo
Match up percentage change
Match up percentage change Associação
Averages: Mean
Averages: Mean Questionário
Algebra equations one step foundation
Algebra equations one step foundation Associação
de Anônimo
Factorising quadratics
Factorising quadratics Associação
Pythagoras Questionário
Maths - Addition
Maths - Addition Questionário
Expanding Double Brackets
Expanding Double Brackets Associação
Add and Subtract Integers Match up1
Add and Subtract Integers Match up1 Associação
Angles Questionário
Multiples - True or False
Multiples - True or False Verdadeiro ou falso
Maths word problems EYFS
Maths word problems EYFS Game show de TV
Bar Graph Questions
Bar Graph Questions Questionário
Place Value Balloon Pop
Place Value Balloon Pop Estoura balões
Addition of 2-digits without regrouping
Addition of 2-digits without regrouping Questionário
Times tables x3 Match Up
Times tables x3 Match Up Associação
Times Table spinner
Times Table spinner Roleta aleatória
parallel and perpendicular lines
parallel and perpendicular lines Questionário
Times tables x9 Whack a Mole
Times tables x9 Whack a Mole Acerte as toupeiras
Times tables x8 Maze
Times tables x8 Maze Perseguição em labirinto
Times tables x2 Balloon Pop
Times tables x2 Balloon Pop Estoura balões
Times tables x 5 True or False
Times tables x 5 True or False Verdadeiro ou falso
What's on the clock?
What's on the clock? Questionário
Naming 2D Shapes Match Up
Naming 2D Shapes Match Up Associação
Area quiz
Area quiz Questionário
12 Hour or 24 Hour Clock
12 Hour or 24 Hour Clock Classificação em grupos
Times tables x4 Whack a Mole
Times tables x4 Whack a Mole Acerte as toupeiras
Times tables x6 Game Show
Times tables x6 Game Show Game show de TV
Naming 3D Shapes Match Up
Naming 3D Shapes Match Up Associação
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