

Assinatura necessária

272 resultados para "measurement"

Measurement with rulers, millimetres and decimals
Measurement with rulers, millimetres and decimals Imagem com legenda
length and height
length and height Questionário
Metric Measurements Quiz
Metric Measurements Quiz Questionário
Units of measurements (with decimals)
Units of measurements (with decimals) Verdadeiro ou falso
Dates Associação
de Anônimo
Practice Reading Weight in Grams and Kilograms
Practice Reading Weight in Grams and Kilograms Questionário
Months of the year
Months of the year Questionário
TELLING THE TIME - hour and half hour
TELLING THE TIME - hour and half hour Questionário
mm cm m conversions
mm cm m conversions Encontre a combinação
comparing height and length
comparing height and length Questionário
Appropriate units of measurement.
Appropriate units of measurement. Classificação em grupos
Time Ordem de classificação
Whack the correct measurements
Whack the correct measurements Acerte as toupeiras
TLC: Can I recognise british coins?
TLC: Can I recognise british coins? Associação
Converting measures (km m cm mm L ml g kg)
Converting measures (km m cm mm L ml g kg) Questionário
Units of measurement
Units of measurement Associação
Telling the time with clock faces
Telling the time with clock faces Estoura balões
Time - Mixed Questions
Time - Mixed Questions Questionário
Find the time against the clock - 12 and 24 hour time
Find the time against the clock - 12 and 24 hour time Encontre a combinação
Mental maths quiz - mixed
Mental maths quiz - mixed Questionário
Simple measurement with ruler
Simple measurement with ruler Imagem com legenda
12 hour 24 hour times
12 hour 24 hour times Classificação em grupos
Measurement word problem quiz
Measurement word problem quiz Questionário
Chesswood Converting mm to cm
Chesswood Converting mm to cm Associação
Telling the time
Telling the time Associação
Perimeter Y3
Perimeter Y3 Questionário
convert cm and mm
convert cm and mm Encontre a combinação
Optical illusions
Optical illusions Questionário
Sort the Clocks (Quarter Hours)
Sort the Clocks (Quarter Hours) Classificação em grupos
Imperial Units of Length
Imperial Units of Length Questionário
Time Match Up
Time Match Up Associação
Ordering Kilograms and Grams
Ordering Kilograms and Grams Ordem de classificação
Measuring vocabulary
Measuring vocabulary Associação
Newid cm i m a m i cm
Newid cm i m a m i cm Questionário
Mass convert
Mass convert Game show de TV
Light and Heavy
Light and Heavy Roleta aleatória
Matching Lengths of Time - Mild
Matching Lengths of Time - Mild Associação
Time- analogue
Time- analogue Questionário
Morning or Afternoon
Morning or Afternoon Classificação em grupos
Measuring cylinders
Measuring cylinders Imagem com legenda
Decimal multiplication
Decimal multiplication Questionário
Half of (with units)
Half of (with units) Associação
capacity Encontre a combinação
Analogue to digital - O'clock & Half Past
Analogue to digital - O'clock & Half Past Perseguição em labirinto
What time is it?
What time is it? Questionário
Unit categories
Unit categories Classificação em grupos
Midnight or Midday clock time
Midnight or Midday clock time Classificação em grupos
Arwynebedd Questionário
money to 20p
money to 20p Roleta aleatória
Clocks Cartas aleatórias
Coin Match
Coin Match Associação
Coin and Note Bingo
Coin and Note Bingo Roleta aleatória
Converting g and kg
Converting g and kg Cartas aleatórias
Bigger or smaller? Shorter or taller?
Bigger or smaller? Shorter or taller? Verdadeiro ou falso
Unedau Mesur
Unedau Mesur Combine os pares
Measuring Volume to 500ml
Measuring Volume to 500ml Imagem com legenda
Equivalent Lengths - cm and mm
Equivalent Lengths - cm and mm Perseguição em labirinto
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