
Year 4 English Esl

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Homophones Encontre a combinação
Numbers 1-10 English
Numbers 1-10 English Imagem com legenda
Past Simple  and Past Continuous Questions
Past Simple and Past Continuous Questions Desembaralhe
What is this...?
What is this...? Questionário
Duplicate J4 Comparative/Superlative Revision
Duplicate J4 Comparative/Superlative Revision Classificação em grupos
Never / Ever - present perfect
Never / Ever - present perfect Questionário
FH3 L20 questions Was.../Were...?
FH3 L20 questions Was.../Were...? Desembaralhe
FH3 L19 was/were (group sort)
FH3 L19 was/were (group sort) Classificação em grupos
Harry Potter (diagram)
Harry Potter (diagram) Imagem com legenda
Fronted adverbial starter
Fronted adverbial starter Roleta aleatória
prepositions spinner
prepositions spinner Roleta aleatória
Figurative Language
Figurative Language Perseguição em labirinto
Formal or informal language?
Formal or informal language? Questionário
Y3 Pictionary Homophones Quiz
Y3 Pictionary Homophones Quiz Questionário
Prepositions of time on at in
Prepositions of time on at in Cartas aleatórias
Own it! 2 Unit 3 Feelings
Own it! 2 Unit 3 Feelings Associação
FF1_U4 - Jobs
FF1_U4 - Jobs Verdadeiro ou falso
Own it! 2 Unit 6 Accidents and injuries 1 (2 halves of a phrase)
Own it! 2 Unit 6 Accidents and injuries 1 (2 halves of a phrase) Associação
Plurals Classificação em grupos
Own it! 2 Unit 6 Accidents and injuries 2 ( a phrase - a picture)
Own it! 2 Unit 6 Accidents and injuries 2 ( a phrase - a picture) Associação
Soft C Hard C
Soft C Hard C Verdadeiro ou falso
FH3 L17 comperative (test review)
FH3 L17 comperative (test review) Complete a frase
Do/Does Questions
Do/Does Questions Roleta aleatória
Shops and services Elem ESL
Shops and services Elem ESL Questionário
Year 4 Group B Summer Week 6
Year 4 Group B Summer Week 6 Jogo da forca
Inverted Commas Quiz
Inverted Commas Quiz Questionário
Punctuation marks
Punctuation marks Encontre a combinação
-ous suffix
-ous suffix Combine os pares
soft c
soft c Jogo da forca
Could / couldn't / can / can't
Could / couldn't / can / can't Game show de TV
`sion` Anagrama
Preposition sentences quiz
Preposition sentences quiz Questionário
Apostrophes Classificação em grupos
Words ending 'sure' unjumble
Words ending 'sure' unjumble Anagrama
Adverb or not an adverb?
Adverb or not an adverb? Classificação em grupos
FF4 U11 vocabulary
FF4 U11 vocabulary Associação
FF4 U11 never
FF4 U11 never Complete a frase
Alphabet Vire as peças
Irregular verbs (three forms)
Irregular verbs (three forms) Questionário
Past Continuous Unit14 FF4
Past Continuous Unit14 FF4 Questionário
Possessive Apostrophe Quiz
Possessive Apostrophe Quiz Questionário
Missing punctuation
Missing punctuation Complete a frase
Year 3 -ful and -ness suffixes
Year 3 -ful and -ness suffixes Classificação em grupos
Pronouns Questionário
Homophones in Context
Homophones in Context Complete a frase
Newspaper article features
Newspaper article features Associação
Types of houses
Types of houses Anagrama
Drop the 'e' or doubling rule?
Drop the 'e' or doubling rule? Classificação em grupos
Main or Subordinate Clause?
Main or Subordinate Clause? Classificação em grupos
FF2_U13_Bigger or smaller? Taller or shorter?
FF2_U13_Bigger or smaller? Taller or shorter? Questionário
Prepositions P2, 3, 4
Prepositions P2, 3, 4 Game show de TV
Own it! 2 Unit 6 Accidents and injuries 3 ( a verb - a picture)
Own it! 2 Unit 6 Accidents and injuries 3 ( a verb - a picture) Associação
Own it! 3 Unit 4.1 Health and fitness
Own it! 3 Unit 4.1 Health and fitness Associação
Past tense game
Past tense game Acerte as toupeiras
Missing verb (was/were/wasn't /weren't)
Missing verb (was/were/wasn't /weren't) Roleta aleatória
English Clothes
English Clothes Imagem com legenda
Question words
Question words Associação
The Subject & Object Pronouns
The Subject & Object Pronouns Associação
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