
12 клас

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10.000+ resultados para "12 клас"

Solutions Pre 2C Synonyms
Solutions Pre 2C Synonyms Associação
narzędnik Questionário
Articles. Rules
Articles. Rules Classificação em grupos
Ages and stages of life. 1A Solutions Intermediate
Ages and stages of life. 1A Solutions Intermediate Associação
Speaking questions (to know each other)
Speaking questions (to know each other) Roleta aleatória
Comparatives & Superlatives
Comparatives & Superlatives Roleta aleatória
wegen trotz
wegen trotz Roleta aleatória
Practice 3
Practice 3 Complete a frase
ED/ING Adjectives Speaking
ED/ING Adjectives Speaking Roleta aleatória
Present Sim. or Pres. Cont.
Present Sim. or Pres. Cont. Questionário
Focus 2. Unit 1.1 Vocabulary
Focus 2. Unit 1.1 Vocabulary Encontre a combinação
Personality (the opposites)
Personality (the opposites) Associação
ING-form/Bare or Full Infinitive Questions (speaking)
ING-form/Bare or Full Infinitive Questions (speaking) Abra a caixa
Speaking questions (adults)
Speaking questions (adults) Roleta aleatória
think 4 unit 1  Verbs + gerund and to + infinitive with different meanings
think 4 unit 1 Verbs + gerund and to + infinitive with different meanings Cartas aleatórias
Тест по Microsoft Excel
Тест по Microsoft Excel Questionário
Баскетбол Questionário
Questions Present Simple (Speak for 2 minutes)
Questions Present Simple (Speak for 2 minutes) Roleta aleatória
English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives
English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives Flashcards
Can, can't Roadmap A2
Can, can't Roadmap A2 Cartas aleatórias
Verbs and verb phrases about the body
Verbs and verb phrases about the body Encontre a combinação
mir /dir
mir /dir Questionário
Speaking Education
Speaking Education Roleta aleatória
Буквосполуки йо, ьо, ьйо
Буквосполуки йо, ьо, ьйо Classificação em grupos
Group the words (food)
Group the words (food) Classificação em grupos
Warm-up gerund/infinitive 2
Warm-up gerund/infinitive 2 Cartas aleatórias
Adjectives & Verbs + Prepostions
Adjectives & Verbs + Prepostions Questionário
Travel & transport phrasal verbs (Destination B2)
Travel & transport phrasal verbs (Destination B2) Associação
Я і моє оточення
Я і моє оточення Abra a caixa
generator of sentences for Present Continuous B2 Level
generator of sentences for Present Continuous B2 Level Roleta aleatória
Präpositionen mit DATIV und AKKUSATIV
Präpositionen mit DATIV und AKKUSATIV Classificação em grupos
Present Simple
Present Simple Verdadeiro ou falso
I wish (speaking)
I wish (speaking) Roleta aleatória
Ознаки рівності трикутників 7 клас
Ознаки рівності трикутників 7 клас Game show de TV
ZNO LEADER B2 Plus Imagem com legenda
Speakout Placement Test (Intermediate+)
Speakout Placement Test (Intermediate+) Questionário
Back to school
Back to school Abra a caixa
Einkaufen Encontre a combinação
Relative clause Speaking
Relative clause Speaking Roleta aleatória
1H Phrasals
1H Phrasals Flashcards
Phrasal verbs 3
Phrasal verbs 3 Associação
question tags
question tags Associação
 ED/ING Adjectives Speaking hobbies/free time
ED/ING Adjectives Speaking hobbies/free time Roleta aleatória
Get to know
Get to know Cartas aleatórias
Комп'ютерна графіка
Комп'ютерна графіка Abra a caixa
Personality adjectives
Personality adjectives Complete a frase
Focus 4 1.5 verb patterns
Focus 4 1.5 verb patterns Roleta aleatória
I WISH... IF ONLY... Roleta aleatória
Phrases and Collocations with "get" (speaking)
Phrases and Collocations with "get" (speaking) Abra a caixa
Механіка. Закони Ньютона
Механіка. Закони Ньютона Complete a frase
Побажання (за Г.С.Сковородою)
Побажання (за Г.С.Сковородою) Roleta aleatória
1-10 irregular verbs
1-10 irregular verbs Complete a frase
Conditional 2
Conditional 2 Cartas aleatórias
Фразеологічні синоніми та антоніми
Фразеологічні синоніми та антоніми Classificação em grupos
Numbers 1-12
Numbers 1-12 Associação
Сполучник Classificação em grupos
Скажи алкоголю ні
Скажи алкоголю ні Palavras cruzadas
Bildbeschreibung «Einkaufen»
Bildbeschreibung «Einkaufen» Flashcards
Präpositionen mit DATIV & AKKUSATIV
Präpositionen mit DATIV & AKKUSATIV Questionário
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