

Exemplos da nossa comunidade

55 resultados para "deaf"

Label the Ear - Intermediate
Label the Ear - Intermediate Imagem com legenda
The History of Deaf Education
The History of Deaf Education Ordem de classificação
Deaf Space Elements Sort
Deaf Space Elements Sort Classificação em grupos
Deaf Culture Review 1
Deaf Culture Review 1 Avião
ASL/Deaf Culture Trivia!
ASL/Deaf Culture Trivia! Perseguição em labirinto
The History of Deaf Education
The History of Deaf Education Ordem de classificação
Deaf Friendships
Deaf Friendships Assista e memorize
Deaf Space Elements Sort
Deaf Space Elements Sort Classificação em grupos
Under the Sea LETTERS A-J
Under the Sea LETTERS A-J Associação
Deaf True or False
Deaf True or False Verdadeiro ou falso
Deaf Culture
Deaf Culture Game show de TV
Sign Language Feelings  #1
Sign Language Feelings #1 Questionário
What sign is this? Family Edition
What sign is this? Family Edition Questionário
ASL Numbers 1-20
ASL Numbers 1-20 Encontre a combinação
FOWR L2.M2.U5 Questionário
 Emotions Matching
Emotions Matching Combine os pares
FOWR L2.M2.U5 pics and sentences
FOWR L2.M2.U5 pics and sentences Game show de TV
Hand signals words Spooky
Hand signals words Spooky Anagrama
 Handshape Matching Game
Handshape Matching Game Associação
Appropriate vs. Inappropriate Behavior
Appropriate vs. Inappropriate Behavior Imagem com legenda
ASL ABC QUIZ Questionário
FOWR L2.M2.U5 Pics only
FOWR L2.M2.U5 Pics only Classificação em grupos
FOWR L2.M2.U4 Associação
DHH Self Advocacy Scenarios
DHH Self Advocacy Scenarios Questionário
Sign Language Numbers
Sign Language Numbers Questionário
 N-Z ASL Fingerspelling
N-Z ASL Fingerspelling Encontre a combinação
FOWR L2.M1.U2 Anagrama
FOWR L2.M1.U3 Abra a caixa
Modern Deaf Figures
Modern Deaf Figures Combine os pares
Dinosaur match LETTERS A-J
Dinosaur match LETTERS A-J Encontre a combinação
Parts of the Ear
Parts of the Ear Imagem com legenda
L2.M.2.U6 picture match
L2.M.2.U6 picture match Encontre a combinação
Deaf or Hearing Culture
Deaf or Hearing Culture Classificação em grupos
DHH Self Advocacy Audiology Terminology
DHH Self Advocacy Audiology Terminology Associação
the deaf wheel
the deaf wheel Roleta aleatória
ASL/Deaf Culture
ASL/Deaf Culture Questionário
De'VIA or Deaf Art?
De'VIA or Deaf Art? Classificação em grupos
Alphabet in Sign Language.
Alphabet in Sign Language. Cartas aleatórias
Label the Audiogram
Label the Audiogram Imagem com legenda
Family Handshapes
Family Handshapes Encontre a combinação
ABCs of Deafness - Deaf Awareness
ABCs of Deafness - Deaf Awareness Associação
Bedrock Year 1, Week 21
Bedrock Year 1, Week 21 Associação
Bedrock Year 1 Week 9
Bedrock Year 1 Week 9 Anagrama
Bedrock Year 1 Weeks 1-4 Cumulative Review
Bedrock Year 1 Weeks 1-4 Cumulative Review Anagrama
Bedrock Year 1, Week 10
Bedrock Year 1, Week 10 Associação
ASL Handshape Matching - "The Mitten" Animals
ASL Handshape Matching - "The Mitten" Animals Associação
Deaf Child's Perspective: Movement Matching Game (3-6) Part I
Deaf Child's Perspective: Movement Matching Game (3-6) Part I Combine os pares
Deaf Child's Perspective: Movement Matching Game (3-6) Part II
Deaf Child's Perspective: Movement Matching Game (3-6) Part II Combine os pares
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