

Exemplos da nossa comunidade

1.211 resultados para "elementary"

oi, oy, aw, and au words
oi, oy, aw, and au words Classificação em grupos
Can & could
Can & could Questionário
5B English File Elementary
5B English File Elementary Encontre a combinação
aw and au
aw and au Classificação em grupos
Divergent Categories
Divergent Categories Roleta aleatória
Describing Using EET
Describing Using EET Abra a caixa
CVCV Words
CVCV Words Abra a caixa
Comprehension Question Elementary
Comprehension Question Elementary Roleta aleatória
-ture words
-ture words Abra a caixa
- tion words
- tion words Acerte as toupeiras
oa words
oa words Acerte as toupeiras
-ture words
-ture words Acerte as toupeiras
EF elem 4A prepostions of time
EF elem 4A prepostions of time Classificação em grupos
suffix -age
suffix -age Estoura balões
A2 - Vocabulary | School subjects - Recall quiz
A2 - Vocabulary | School subjects - Recall quiz Flashcards
A2 - Past simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 1
A2 - Past simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 1 Vire as peças
A2 - Past Simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 2
A2 - Past Simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 2 Classificação em grupos
Countable/uncountable Questionário
EET Beads Matching Game
EET Beads Matching Game Combine os pares
Speech Machine
Speech Machine Game show de TV
Body Part Rhymes
Body Part Rhymes Associação
Jobs - English File Elementary
Jobs - English File Elementary Encontre a combinação
L2 - Irregular past tense verbs
L2 - Irregular past tense verbs Vire as peças
Finding Mm
Finding Mm Acerte as toupeiras
days of the week and months
days of the week and months Encontre a combinação
Classroom language
Classroom language Vire as peças
A2 - Tell me more!
A2 - Tell me more! Cartas aleatórias
Places in a town 2
Places in a town 2 Associação
Places in a town 4
Places in a town 4 Questionário
When was the last time you...?
When was the last time you...? Cartas aleatórias
English File elementary Unit 2A
English File elementary Unit 2A Cartas aleatórias
Dass Sätze
Dass Sätze Desembaralhe
Life Elementary U9 Vocabulary Review
Life Elementary U9 Vocabulary Review Classificação em grupos
Things for a trip
Things for a trip Imagem com legenda
Breakfast 4 - quiz
Breakfast 4 - quiz Questionário
Дом: Elementary Russian
Дом: Elementary Russian Associação
Containers 4
Containers 4 Flashcards
able/ible words
able/ible words Abra a caixa
tion, tial, and ture
tion, tial, and ture Classificação em grupos
EF elem file 4 revise adverbs
EF elem file 4 revise adverbs Questionário
oi words (take turns, add points up at end)
oi words (take turns, add points up at end) Abra a caixa
Open Syllable i
Open Syllable i Classificação em grupos
-ant and -ent
-ant and -ent Classificação em grupos
ir words
ir words Abra a caixa
Basic 2 - Unit 08 - clothes
Basic 2 - Unit 08 - clothes Encontre a combinação
cial words
cial words Acerte as toupeiras
oi and oy
oi and oy Classificação em grupos
-ous words
-ous words Abra a caixa
a - an
a - an Questionário
A2 - Grammar Auction - comparatives and superlatives
A2 - Grammar Auction - comparatives and superlatives Questionário ganhe ou perca
Places in a town 1
Places in a town 1 Cartas aleatórias
Adverbs of manner 4
Adverbs of manner 4 Anagrama
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