
Jewish studies

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9.432 resultados para "jewish studies"

Jewish Studies
Jewish Studies Associação
Torah Blessings - What Comes Next?
Torah Blessings - What Comes Next? Abra a caixa
Torah Blessings Word Sort
Torah Blessings Word Sort Anagrama
The Wheel of Jewish Questions
The Wheel of Jewish Questions Roleta aleatória
Assessment 1 Hebrew Letter Review
Assessment 1 Hebrew Letter Review Questionário
How Much Do You Know about Israel?
How Much Do You Know about Israel? Game show de TV
Find the Match -  Shema and V'ahavta - 3
Find the Match - Shema and V'ahavta - 3 Encontre a combinação
Mi Chamocha Balloon Pop
Mi Chamocha Balloon Pop Estoura balões
Club Sofit Speed Quiz
Club Sofit Speed Quiz Frutas voadoras
Tu BiShvat : Trees in Israel
Tu BiShvat : Trees in Israel Complete a frase
Shva Sort
Shva Sort Classificação em grupos
Club Sofit Airplane
Club Sofit Airplane Avião
Torah Blessing Vocab Wordsearch
Torah Blessing Vocab Wordsearch Caça-palavras
Unjumble the Kiddush
Unjumble the Kiddush Desembaralhe
Club Sofit Quiz
Club Sofit Quiz Questionário
Kamatz and Patach
Kamatz and Patach Acerte as toupeiras
Lesson 11 Chaf Sofit Anagrams
Lesson 11 Chaf Sofit Anagrams Anagrama
Hebrew for Passover - Characters in the Story
Hebrew for Passover - Characters in the Story Questionário
Torah Blessings - Before
Torah Blessings - Before Desembaralhe
Torah Torah, Torah Torah
Torah Torah, Torah Torah Questionário
Tu Bishvat
Tu Bishvat Complete a frase
Order the Jewish Holidays
Order the Jewish Holidays Ordem de classificação
Jewish Symbols
Jewish Symbols Estoura balões
Family of Prophet Muhammad (S)
Family of Prophet Muhammad (S) Avião
How well do you know Sukkot?
How well do you know Sukkot? Questionário
Categories of worship
Categories of worship Classificação em grupos
Islam facts
Islam facts Encontre a combinação
Salah and their timings
Salah and their timings Classificação em grupos
Jerusalem Day
Jerusalem Day Verdadeiro ou falso
zakah and sawm
zakah and sawm Questionário
Salah Perseguição em labirinto
Hebrew letter quiz
Hebrew letter quiz Questionário
Ma'ariv Aravim/Yotzer Or
Ma'ariv Aravim/Yotzer Or Questionário
Passover Symbols
Passover Symbols Estoura balões
Sukkot quiz show
Sukkot quiz show Game show de TV
Purim Symbols
Purim Symbols Estoura balões
Purim Word Search
Purim Word Search Caça-palavras
חנוכה Acerte as toupeiras
The Purim Story
The Purim Story Ordem de classificação
Wudu Questionário
Five Pillars of Islam
Five Pillars of Islam Abra a caixa
Hatikvah Word Match Up
Hatikvah Word Match Up Associação
Hanukkah Quiz
Hanukkah Quiz Questionário
Civil War and Reconstruction
Civil War and Reconstruction Associação
Jewish Trivia
Jewish Trivia Game show de TV
Holiday Name Flashcards Hebrew
Holiday Name Flashcards Hebrew Vire as peças
Passover Blessing Match
Passover Blessing Match Associação
Hatikvah Order
Hatikvah Order Ordem de classificação
Big Deal vs Little Deal
Big Deal vs Little Deal Abra a caixa
How Big is The Problem (2)
How Big is The Problem (2) Classificação em grupos
ICEBREAKER QUESTIONS 5/18 Roleta aleatória
SuperFlex and The Unthinkables
SuperFlex and The Unthinkables Game show de TV
How Do You Feel and What Would You Do
How Do You Feel and What Would You Do Cartas aleatórias
Problem Solving Scenarios
Problem Solving Scenarios Questionário
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