
English language arts Phonics Primary k5 is typical

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10.000+ resultados para "ela phonics primary k5 is typical"

2.25 (sort 25 - within) AR, ARE, AIR, ? (yellow)
2.25 (sort 25 - within) AR, ARE, AIR, ? (yellow) Classificação em grupos
2.34 (sort 34 - within) WA, AL, OU
2.34 (sort 34 - within) WA, AL, OU Classificação em grupos
4.05 (sort 5- deriv) Suffix: ly, ily, y (Blue)
4.05 (sort 5- deriv) Suffix: ly, ily, y (Blue) Classificação em grupos
2.18 (sort 18-within) Review CVVC pattern ai, oa, ee, ea (yellow)
2.18 (sort 18-within) Review CVVC pattern ai, oa, ee, ea (yellow) Classificação em grupos
Heart Word Assessment
Heart Word Assessment Flashcards
 Syllable Blending
Syllable Blending Vire as peças
long a sort it
long a sort it Classificação em grupos
 oi and oy picture sort
oi and oy picture sort Classificação em grupos
Long O Sort It
Long O Sort It Classificação em grupos
B and D letter recongition
B and D letter recongition Cartas aleatórias
Rhyming Words short a
Rhyming Words short a Questionário
B and D letter recognition
B and D letter recognition Combine os pares
homophones Associação
sonday beginning blend sounds
sonday beginning blend sounds Cartas aleatórias
Final Blends Balloon Pop
Final Blends Balloon Pop Estoura balões
ff, ll, ss best friends at the end balloon pop
ff, ll, ss best friends at the end balloon pop Estoura balões
 Middle Sound (*__*)
Middle Sound (*__*) Questionário
short i match it
short i match it Encontre a combinação
short e CVC
short e CVC Cartas aleatórias
short i read it
short i read it Abra a caixa
sl- blends
sl- blends Game show de TV
Sight worsd Sonday system
Sight worsd Sonday system Roleta aleatória
/sh/  versus /ch/
/sh/ versus /ch/ Acerte as toupeiras
2 syllable compound words
2 syllable compound words Associação
fszl rule and -ck Sonday System
fszl rule and -ck Sonday System Classificação em grupos
Short A Phonemic Awareness
Short A Phonemic Awareness Encontre a combinação
Adding -s or -es Sort
Adding -s or -es Sort Classificação em grupos
Blend Hangman
Blend Hangman Jogo da forca
Digraph or Blend?
Digraph or Blend? Questionário
Letter J Whack-A-Mole
Letter J Whack-A-Mole Acerte as toupeiras
7.4 Prefix Definition Review
7.4 Prefix Definition Review Questionário
"Am" word family
"Am" word family Combine os pares
Level 14-19 Sonday system sound cards 1-30
Level 14-19 Sonday system sound cards 1-30 Cartas aleatórias
Nasal Blends (-ng & -nk) and -CK Sort
Nasal Blends (-ng & -nk) and -CK Sort Classificação em grupos
Fundations Sound Cards K
Fundations Sound Cards K Vire as peças
Ending Blends
Ending Blends Combine os pares
FLOSS Rule!!!
FLOSS Rule!!! Questionário
What's in the bag
What's in the bag Imagem com legenda
What is it? Where is it? What is there?
What is it? Where is it? What is there? Abra a caixa
Bossy R Read & Sort
Bossy R Read & Sort Classificação em grupos
-ed Sounds
-ed Sounds Questionário ganhe ou perca
Drawing Conclusions 3
Drawing Conclusions 3 Cartas aleatórias
Sequencing - Steps to Wash Dishes
Sequencing - Steps to Wash Dishes Ordem de classificação
Drawing Conclusion 1
Drawing Conclusion 1 Game show de TV
Vowel Men
Vowel Men Classificação em grupos
MTA /k/ IMF Which words are spelled correctly?
MTA /k/ IMF Which words are spelled correctly? Acerte as toupeiras
Text Features
Text Features Perseguição em labirinto
Whack-a-Mole /oi/ and /oy/
Whack-a-Mole /oi/ and /oy/ Acerte as toupeiras
Initial L Blends Match Up
Initial L Blends Match Up Associação
ar, or, er
ar, or, er Roleta aleatória
Magic-e with o
Magic-e with o Classificação em grupos
Consonant Digraphs
Consonant Digraphs Classificação em grupos
Blends Game show de TV
-nk endings
-nk endings Classificação em grupos
old, ost, olt fill in the blank
old, ost, olt fill in the blank Complete a frase
aught/ought words
aught/ought words Game show de TV
Sonday level 14 qu sound
Sonday level 14 qu sound Jogo da forca
ER Anagrama
2.30 (sort 30-within) Review AR, SCHWA + R, & OR (yellow)
2.30 (sort 30-within) Review AR, SCHWA + R, & OR (yellow) Classificação em grupos
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