1) Temperature is -2°C. If the temperature rises by 15°C what is the new temperature? a) -17°C b) 13°C c) 17°C d) -13°C 2) A freezer runs at a temperature of -18°C. It breaks down and the temperature rises 5°C. What is the temperature of the freezer now? a) -23°C b) -13°C c) 13°C d) 23°C 3) At midnight the temperature is -6°C. At midday the temperature is 9°C. By how much has the temperature risen between the two times? a) 6 b) 9 c) 15 d) -15 4) Fiona is in debt to the bank. She owes them £60. She gets £85 and pays this straight into her bank account. How much does she have in the bank? a) £85 b) £25 c) -£25 d) £145 5) A deep sea diver needs to return to the surface. He is at -75 metres and rises 40 metres. At what depth is he now? a) -35 metres b) 105 metres c) -105 metres d) 35 metres 6) The temperature today is 6°C. It is forecast to drop by 12°C. What temperature is it forecast to be? a) 6°C b) 18°C c) -18°C d) -6°C 7) I have £37 in my bank account and write a cheque for £87. After the cheque was cashed what will the bank balance be? a) -£50 b) £50 c) £124 d) -£124 8) What temperature is 16°C colder than 9°C? a) 25°C b) -7°C c) 7°C d) -25°C 9) A submarine can launch a missile straight up to hit a plane. A submarine is at a depth of -60m and a plane passes by straight above at 340m. How far would the missile have to travel to hit the plane? a) 280m b) -400m c) 400m d) -280m 10) Billy is overdrawn at the bank by £180. His brother Mark is better off than him by £70. How much money has Mark got? a) £250 b) £110 c) -£110 d) -£250

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