certificate - an official document stating that you have passed an examination, successfully completed a course, or achieved the necessary qualifications to work in a particular profession, curriculum - the subjects that students study at a particular school or college, composition - something such as a piece of music, a piece of writing, or a painting, ruler - an object used for measuring or for drawing straight lines, practice - occasions when you do something in order to become better at it, or the time that you spend doing this, coach - someone who teaches a special skill, qualification - something such as a degree or a diploma that you get when you successfully finish a course of study, handwriting - the particular way that someone writes using a pen or pencil, absent - not in the place where you should be or are expected to be, elementary - relating to the first and most basic things that you learn about a subject, advanced - at a high academic level, term - one of the periods of time into which the year is divided for students, notice board - a board that has announcements and other information on it, intermediate - at an academic level below advanced, dictionary - a reference resource which provides information about words and their meanings, uses, and pronunciations, degree - a course of study at a university, or the qualification that you get after completing the course, register - to put your name and other information on an official list in order to be allowed to vote, study, stay in a hotel etc, break up - the students and teachers stop working at the end of term, primary school - a school for children between the ages of four or five and eleven,
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