about - exactly, above - below, to allow - to forbid, already - not yet, approximately - exactly, to argue - to agree, to arrest - to free, arrival - departure, to arrive - to depart, artificial - natural, to ascent - to descent, to ask - to answer, asleep - awake, to attack - to defend, bad - good, beautiful - ugly, big - small, bitter - sweet, body - soul, to bore - to amuse, brave - cowardly, busy - lazy, to buy - to sell, calm - excited, careful - careless, to catch - to miss, ceiling - floor, cheap - expensive, close - far, cold - hot, comedy - drama, curly - straight, dark - light, day - night, dead - alive, death - birth, deep - shallow, defeat - victory, defence - attack, to defend - to attack, delicious - awful, dirty - clean, dishonest - honest, distant - near, early - late, easy - difficult, elementary - advanced, emigrate - immigrate, emigration - immigration, empty - full, to fail - to pass, false - true, fat - skinny, fiction - fact, to fix - to break, flat - hilly, to float - to sink, to follow - to lead, foolish - wise, for - against, to freeze - to boil, friendly - unfriendly, full - empty, generous - stingy, gentle - rough, giant - dwarf, girl - boy, to give - to take, gloomy - cheerful, to gift - to receive, to go - to come, grief - joy, guilty - innocent, happy - sad, hard - soft, to harvest - to plant, healthy - sick, heaven - hell, heavy - light, high - low, to hire - to fire, huge - tiny, humid - dry, hungry - full, ignore - notice, in front of - back, insane - sane, lazy - hardworking, lie - truth.


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