1) Why did Mr. Johnson come to the electronics store? a) To buy a new laptop b) To return a laptop c) To complain about a problem with his laptop d) To get a refund for his laptop 2) How did Mary respond to Mr. Johnson's complaint? a) She ignored him b) She apologized and offered a solution c) She asked him to leave the store d) She argued with him 3) What was the issue with Mr. Johnson's laptop? a) It was too slow b) It had a virus c) It was stolen d) It stopped working 4) Why couldn't Mr. Johnson return the laptop? a) A) It was out of warranty b) B) It was too expensive c) C) It was damaged d) D) It was a gift 5) What did Mary offer to Mr. Johnson? a) A) A free laptop b) B) A loaner laptop for temporary use c) C) A refund d) D) A warranty extension 6) Mary offered to send the laptop for repair free of charge. a) True b) False 7) Mr. Johnson returned to pick up his laptop after three days. a) True b) False 8) Mary extended Mr. Johnson's warranty for an extra year. a) True b) False 9) Mr. Johnson was dissatisfied with the customer service.  a) True b) False 10) Mary told Mr. Johnson to contact her if he had any further concerns. a) True b) False

Week 8 - Extra practice


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