George Washington - Bill of Rights adopted  and Federal Court system established, John Adams - 2 political party system emerged during my presidency, Benjamin Banneker - helped G.Washington design Washington, DC, Thomas Jefferson - doubled size of US- Lousiana Purchase, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark - hired to explore Lousiana Territory, James Madison - War of 1812 during presidency, James Monroe - President who warned European countries not to interfere in Western Hemisphere, Monroe Doctrine - Policy that warned European countries to stay out of Western Hemisphere , War of 1812 - European gained respect for U.S., Francis Scott Key - Wrote Star Spangled Banner, France - Country that sold Lousiana Territory to US, Fort McHenry - Location of battle that inspired Star Spangled Banner, Sacagawea - Native American who guided Lewis & Clark, Dolley Madison - First Lady who saved many items before the British burned the White House,

First 5 President


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