1) Describe command word means to... a) In-depth detail b) Give the impact c) State d) Name in one word e) outline 2) To justify as a command word means to.... a) Give the advantage only  b) Advantage and disadvantage c) Advantage with an impact d) Consequence only 3) Strategies for effective time and task management for the employee are. a) Block everything out b) Talk to everyone c) Always answer your phone d) Keep a list in your head e) Avoid time stealers 4) Personal development plans allows employees to formally record areas of strength and areas for training this means that... a) targets are in place for staff to work towards which could result in an increase of productivity. b) targets are recorded for official records  c) managers can pick out their star employees d) its allows managers to fire those who keep underperforming. 5) An effective team should have ... a) Clear identity b) Common goal c) Open communication d) Celebratory e) Clear responsibilities  6) Which of these is not a stage of team formation... a) Storming  b) Adjourning c) Norming d) Conforming e) Performing 7) Which of these is not a consequence of breaching legislation to the organisation may be ... a) Unwanted media attention, could damage the reputation b) Reported to the authorities- costly and time consuming c) The organisation may have to close either until the issue is resolved. d) May get a written warning 8) Fire Precaution Regulation  a) Use natural light where practical b) Washing facilities   c) Fit illuminated signs above fire exits  d) Fit fire alarms and detectors (eg smoke detectors) 9) Hot desking is when... a) the desk is to hot to sit down b) an area used for a short period of time by employees dropping into the office c) desks not allocated to individual staff, staff book the desk for time they are in the office. d) a desk for a limited time to print important documents 10) What can organisations do to make their office more ergonomic? a) Décor- use dark reds, dark blues to clam employees b) Heating - should be the one temperature for all staff c) Lighting- should be as bright as possible with strip lights installed d) Spacious workplace with minimal clutter 11) Advantages of teleworking are... a) Staff may find it difficult to discipline themselves b) Reduction in travel which reduces stress among staff c) Staff can feel isolated which could result in a loss of motivation d) Difficult to ensure staff are complying with IT health and safety 12) Which of these is not an advantage for e-mail as a method of communication? a) E-mails can be marked 'urgent' b) Read receipts can be used c) Attachments can be included d) Personal interaction e) Allows communication any time of the day 13) Consequences of poor customer care. a) There will be no customer loyalty   b) A loss in the market share can lead to redundancies or closure  c) Bad reputation d) Staff spending more time on complaints e) Customers taking legal action against the organisation 14) Role of the chairperson before a meeting. a) Place meeting in Progress sign on the door to ensure not interruptions. b) Booking and checking equipment needed. c) Deciding who should be invited to the meeting. d) Preparing and circulating the notice of meeting and agenda. e) Ensuring minutes of previous meeting are sent out in advance of the meeting. 15) Resolve potential communication barriers during a training presentation? a) Use key points b) Tell staff to be quiet c) Stop going on social media d) Dumb down the language e) Speak as fast as you can so no one can ask questions



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