--- ו - AND, ---בּ - IN/with, ל---  - TO/for, מ---  - FROM, כ---  - LIKE, ה---  - THE, בַּ---  - IN THE/WITH THE, לַ---  - TO THE/FOR THE, ---ך - YOU/YOUR, ו --- - HIM/HIS/IT/ITS, הּ-ָ-- - HER/IT/ITS, י/ ַי ִ - ME/MY, ---וֹת - ..S (more than 1) (girl), --ים - ..S (more than 1) (boy), ---ם - THEM/THEIR, ---הֶם - (רַבִּים)THEM/THEIR, ---ן - (רַבּוֹת) THEM/THEIR, ---הֶן - (רַבִּוֹת) THEM/THEIR, ---נוּ - US/OUR, ה ָ - TO (the place), א---  - I WILL, שֶׁ---  - THAT, י---  - HE WILL, י---וּ - THEY WILL, ---כֶם - (רַבִּים) YOU/YOUR, ---כֶן - (רַבּוֹת) YOU/YOUR, וַ---  - AND (changes future to past), וַי---  - AND HE (PAST), וַי---וּ - AND THEY (PAST), --- - for one boy,


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