1) could not a) he'd b) couldn't c) you're d) she's 2) he would a) couldn't b) she's c) he'd d) we'd 3) I will a) I'll b) couldn't c) we've d) they'll 4) are not a) aren't b) I've c) what's d) we'd 5) that is a) I've b) we're c) couldn't d) that's 6) she is a) you're b) she's c) I'll d) we're 7) we have a) we've b) I've c) we'd d) that's 8) you are a) what's b) I'll c) we're d) you're 9) we would a) we'd b) I'll c) he'd d) they'll 10) I have a) I'll b) I've c) that's d) you're 11) they will a) they'll b) we've c) we'd d) she's 12) what is a) that's b) what's c) we've d) she's



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