What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?, What pets do you have?, What job would you want when you turn 16?, What is your favorite season?, Who is your favorite fruit?, What is your favorite vegetable?, Are you more of a morning person or a night person?, What do you want to do when you get out of high school or college?, What is your favorite class...besides speech, of course?, What is something in your bedroom that you love?, What is your favorite movie?, What was your favorite grade in school?, What is your dream job if money didn't matter?, Tell us about your siblings, if you have any., What did you eat for breakfast today?, What is your favorite smell?, What do you like to watch on YouTube?, What did you do yesterday?, What kind of car do you want?, What are your favorite foods?, What are your hobbies?, What are your plans for this weekend?, What is the grossest thing that you have ever eaten?, What is your favorite tv show?, What is your favorite holiday? , What is your favorite dessert?, What is your favorite gift you have ever given someone?, If you could see any movie for the first time again, which one would you choose?, If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would you choose?, What is your favorite holiday movie?, What is your favorite holiday song?, What is one thing you hope will happen to you next year?, What is a gift you wanted badly as a kid, but never received?, What is your favorite type of holiday cookie?, What is your favorite tv show?.
To Tell the Truth...or Not!
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