Correct: Diffusion molecules move high to low, Passive transport = no energy, Active transport uses ATP, Phospholipid molecule is found in cell membranes., Gradient = Difference in concentration, Steep gradient = a bigger concentration difference, Lipid tails = hydrophobic, Phosphate head = hydrophyllic, Osmosis deals with water, Exocytosis = movement out, Endocytosis = movement in, Selectively permeable is like a screen door., Active transport = AGAINST the gradient, Mitochondria supplies the energy (ATP) as needed., Incorrect: Passive transport uses energy, Active transport = molecules move WITH the gradient, Lipid tails are water loving, Cell membrane is IMPERMEABLE, semi-permeable is like a solid door., Osmosis is diffusion of ALL types of molecules., WITH the gradient = move low to high concentration., ALL molecules move high to low concentration.,

Vocab of Cell Membrane & Transport


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