1) what were the black codes? a) Laws governing the conduct of African americans b) Abolished slavery c) granted citizenship to all born in the US 2) What was sharecropping? a) a system in which  the landlord allows a tenant to use the land in exchange for a share of the crop b) a system in which people in debt would have to work for free to get rid of their debt. c) a system in which African Americans were not allowed to vote 3) What is Debt peonage? a) a system where an employer compels a worker to pay off debt with work b) When a person has to pay off debt with a large amount of money c) when a person gets rid of all of their debt. 4) What is Nadir? a) The period from 1890-1920 b) The period from 1760-1780 c) The period from 1800-1820

Black codes, nadir, sharecropping, and debt peonage quiz


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