Mountain - A natural elevation of the earth’s surface- much, much taller than a hill., Ocean - A large body of salt water that surrounds a continent., Lake - A large body of water surrounded by land on all sides., River - A large, flowing body of water that usually empties into a sea or ocean., Archipelago - A group or chain of islands in a large body of water, Canyon - A deep valley with very steep sides - often carved from the Earth by a river., Desert - A very dry area with very little precipitation and vegetation., Gulf - A part of the ocean (or sea) that is partly surrounded by land, Island - A piece of land that is surrounded by water., Isthmus - A narrow strip of land connecting two larger landmasses, has water on two sides., Peninsula - Land that is surrounded by water on three sides., Plain - Flat lands that have only small changes in elevation., Sea - A large body of salty water that is often connected to an ocean, may be completely surrounded by land., Valley - A low place between mountains.,

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