Based on this experience, what will I do in my future lessons? (Plan Action) - Next time when I do a speaking activity like the one when students talk about their family members, I will give them a few minutes to write their names and some key words before they speak., What do you believe about students, teaching, learning, etc? (Generalize) - Students can benefit from ‘think time’ before they do speaking activities. I think that they need time to figure out what they want to say, recall vocabulary words, and even rehearse a bit in their heads., What happened in step 2? (Describe) - I was looking at the pictures on the table. I saw a picture of an Apple computer, and I thought about the different computers I have had over the years. I thought about emailing and watching TV shows on my Macbook., How did that step affect your learning or participation? (Interpret) - Choosing my picture gave me time to think about what I wanted to talk about and helped me get ready to speak. That quiet time helped speak more fluently when I got to step 3.,

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