Stupa - Ancient Indian Architecture, Untouchable - The Lowest on the Caste System, Brahma - The Main God in Hinduism, Indus River - River Valley Where Ancient India Started, Monsoons - Rainy Season, Chandragupta - Ruler of the Mauryan Emprie, Asoka - Converted to Buddhism; Grandson of Chandragupta, Sanskrit - Ancient Indian Writing, Mohenjo-Daro - Ancient Indian City, Caste System - Social Structure of India, Subcontinent - Large landmass that sticks out of a continent., Pagoda - Architecture of China, Confucianism - Philosophy that valued elders and respect., Legalism - Philosophy that valued harsh punishments., Huang He River - River Valley of China, Loess - Yellow Silt, or Soil, Qin Shu Huangdi - Ruler who built the Great Wall of China, Calligraphy - Ancient Chinese writing style., River of Sorrows - A nickname of the Chinese River we studied., Mandate of Heaven - Allowed the ruling dynasty to continue ruling., Confucius,

Ancient India and China Balloon Pop


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