1) 13th Century - This Italian from Venice visits the court of Kublai Khan a) Leif Erickkson b) Ibn Battuta c) Marco Polo d) Luigi Mario 2) This man left home at 21 to see the world he had read about, visited many Muslim lands. a) Ibn Battuta b) Wilt Chamberlain c) Marco Polo d) Christopher Columbus 3) Her book is was a significant firsthand account of a middle-class medieval woman’s life. a) Mary Shelley b) Marie Antionette c) Joan of Arc d) Margery Kempe 4) All of these are factors contributing to decline in cities, except... a) Political instability b) Surplus of Agriculture c) Disease d) Foreign invasions 5) This religion fused rational thought with ideas of Daoism, Buddhism a) Neo-Confucianism b) Hinduism c) Judaism d) Paganism 6) Buddhism came to China via the Silk Roads from... a) Indonedsia b) Malaysia c) India d) Japan 7) All of these are factors contributing to the growth of cities, except... a) Safe transportation b) Political stability c) Small supply of available labor d) Surplus of argriculture 8) Crusaders weakened the city before the Bubonic plague killed about half the population. a) Constantinople b) Samarkind c) Hangzhou d) Timbuktu

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