1) Laura sat down beside her friend Allie and opened her lunchbox.  This is probably true because. a) Luara is hungry b) It is snack time c) Laura is at lunch d) The school day is over 2) The movie ended and everyone in the audience clapped. This is true because a) They want to see another movie b) The movie was beginning c) They all liked the movie d) They just won another movie 3) The students sat in a circle on the floor, and the teacher opened a book. This is probably because a) The students are getting ready to do group work b) the students are playing a game c) The teacher is reading a story 4) Marco's dad picked up his briefcase and went out to the car. This is probably because a) he was going to lunch b) he was going to school c) he was going to visit a friend d) he was going to work 5) Zack got his scarf, gloves, and hat.  This is probably because a) It is rainy outside b) Zack is going to a football game c) The weather is getting colder d) The weather is getting warmer 6) The bell rings in the morning, the hall is clearing, the students are sitting in their seats a) class is about to begin b) the school day is over c) there is a fire drill d) Class is over and it is time to switch 7) The alarm rings, breakfast is cooking, the lights come on, you hear someone brushing their teeth a) the day is almost over b) It is evening c) it is morning, time to get up 8) The pretty glass is sitting right on the corner, people keep walking right by the glass, it is crowded. What could happen a) The glass could be refilled b) the glass could be knocked over c) The person could forget which glass is theirs 9) There milk jug is empty, it is sitting in the fridge. Where should it be? a) in the fridge b) on the counter c) in the garbage 10) You brushed your teeth, got dressed, made your bed and are leaving your room. What do you need to do next a) turn off your light b) brush your teeth c) watch tv 11) You changed into different clothes, the dirty clothes are on the floor, and are about to take a break and play video games. What should you do next a) put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket b) Eat a snack c) Play video games

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