1) Ann sees leftover cheese on the counter, she finds an empty bag of pepperoni, and her mom has flour on her apron. What is Ann's mom making for dinner? a) fried chicken b) tacos c) hamburgers d) pizza 2) Mr. Bank's science class is going on a field trip. They have been learning about animals and their habitats. The permission form has pictures of animals on it and directions to wear outdoor clothes. Where are they going? a) the art museum b) a play c) the zoo d) the metroparks 3) Rae's friends want to plan a fun night out. It is winter and we have just had our first big snowfall. The invite says to bring a coat, gloves, hat, and winter coat. They are going to the Bay Metropark's big hill. What should each friend bring? a) Money b) sunscreen c) a sled d) cleats 4) Kate has a special wooden box. It sits on her dresser. She puts her rings and necklaces in it. It plays music when you open it. What is the box? a) a glove box b) a Christmas gift for a friend c) a bread box d) a jewlrey box 5) It is the the first day of school. Joe has never been in the middle school. It is big, his 8 classes are listed on a confusing piece of paper, a locker with a combination, and there are lot of new people. Joe's stomach starts to hurt. What is Joe feeling? a) happy b) surprised c) sad d) nervous 6) Chris is on vacation. His mom packed sunscreen, bathing suits, pails, boogie boards, and beach towels. Where is Chris going on vacation? a) The woods b) The beach c) On a skiing vacation d) to a big city 7) The class is on section 3 out of 4 in the chapter. The teacher posted review tools on google classroom. The teacher handed out flashcards. What is does the teacher want you to prepare for? a) the beginning of the chapter b) a break c) a test d) a project 8) Your mom takes your temperature you must stay home in bed all day. You eat soup. Why are you staying home? a) it's a vacation day b) It's Saturday c) you are sick 9) A man throws a brown ball. The crowd is cheering loudly. Players in helmets are running on the field. What are you doing? a) going to the mall b) at a tennis match c) at the skating rink d) at a football game 10) You studied your facts. You only have three minutes to take it. You can only get two incorrect. What is happening? a) You are doing a project b) you are making a craft c) you are completing your exponent homework d) you are taking a quiz

Drawing Conclusions #2


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