1) The dogs had dug a huge hole in the backyard. a) dogs dug b) dug c) had dug d) dug huge hole 2) The hot air balloon rose high above the fields. a) hot air balloon b) rose high c) rose d) balloon rose 3) Mary spilled her water on the table. a) spilled b) spilled her water c) Mary spilled d) on the table 4) The boys were hiding in their tree fort. a) boys hiding b) were hiding c) hiding d) hiding, their 5) The volunteers will carry the recycle buckets to the truck. a) will carry b) carry c) carry recycle buckets d) carry, truck 6) The potato soup in the kitchen smells delicious. a) smells delicious b) in the kitchen c) soup smells d) smells 7) Sandy's green shoes are by the door. a) by the door b) green shoes c) are d) are, by 8) After the spinning ride, Davis felt sick. a) spinning b) spinning, sick c) sick d) felt 9) The carnival last weekend was fun! a) last weekend b) was c) carnival, fun d) weekend was 10) The protagonist is the main character in a story. a) is, in b) is c) main, story d) in a story. 11) We went to the movies with my cousins a) We went b) went to c) movies with d) went 12) After the storm, the dogs went running in the mud. a) went running b) in the mud c) After the storm d) running 13) The enchiladas were too spicy for Sarah. a) enchiladas, spicy b) too spicy c) were d) were too spicy 14) We played a fun game after school. a) played b) We played c) played, fun game d) after 15) She hung the picture of her and her friends on the wall. a) on the wall b) She hung c) of her d) hung 16) The girls took a ton of pictures at the concert. a) girls took b) a ton of pictures c) pictures, concert d) took 17) Andrew's computer was not working properly. a) was working b) was not working c) working properly d) computer not working 18) My birthday present was a red Chiefs hoodie. a) birthday, hoodie b) present, red c) birthday was a d) was 19) His car is the blue one beside that tree. a) car is red b) is c) beside d) one beside tree 20) Leonard's sweater feels itchy uncomfortable.  a) feels b) itchy and uncomfortable c) sweater d) Leonard, feels

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