1) What is the name of this exercise? Do 3 and try to hold for 10 seconds! a) CROSS KICKS b) LUNGES c) JUMPING JACK d) PLANK 2) You need to move your arms and legs alternately! Switch sides 10 times! a) SQUAT JUMPS b) CROSS KICKS c) MOUNTAIN CLIMBER d) JUMPING JACK 3) Try these 5 times on each leg! Hold for 5 seconds! a) PLANK b) PUSH UP c) LUNGES d) CROSS KICKS 4) Don't forget to rise to your toes 10 times! a) PLANK b) CROSS KICKS c) PUSH UP d) JUMPING JACK 5) These will help you run faster! Switch your legs 10 times! a) PLANK b) LUNGES c) CROSS KICKS d) MOUNTAIN CLIMBER 6) These will make your legs strong! Do 5 times! a) SQUAT JUMPS b) PLANK c) JUMPING JACK d) BRIDGES 7) Remember you do not have to do these fast! Do 10 times! a) LUNGES b) MOUNTAIN CLIMBER c) JUMPING JACK d) CROSS KICKS 8) Can you pretend to be one of these? Try to do 10 kicks on each side! a) PLANK JACK b) CURL UP LIKE A BALL c) TABLE KICKS d)

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