Present Simple: to talk about facts that are always true, to talk about regular actions\habits, to talk about daily routines, always, generally, often, usually, sometimes, rarely, never, every day\week\month\year or once a day, twice a week, three times a month, he\she\it + verb+S, DO or DOES, He drinks tea at breakfast., They don't know my phone number., Do they have any children?, Present Continuous: to talk about actions happening right now, to talk about actions happening around the time of speaking, now, right now, at the moment, today, tonight, this week, this month, I + AM + VING, he\she\it + IS + VING, you\we\they + ARE + VING, She's playing with her dog outside., The children are not sleeping at this time., What's the policeman saying?, Present Perfect: to talk about result or experience, to talk about indefinite time in the past, to talk about very recent actions, I\you\we\they + HAVE + V3, he\she\it + HAS + V3, already, just, yet, lately, recently, ever, never, for, since, They have already written three reports., He hasn't seen her today., What interesting foods have you eaten?, Present Perfect Continuous: to talk about unfinished actions that have started in the past and are still in process, he\she\it + HAS + BEEN + VING, I\you\we\they + HAVE + BEEN + VING, all day, for, since, the whole, how long?, She has been finding the dress since morning., He has not been sleeping well the last two months., How long have you been learning English?,
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