Stimulant - Type of Drug that increases energy and alertness, Autopsy - a post-mortem examination to find the cause of death, Mathieu Orfila - Known as the father of toxicology, Hallucinogen - Psychadellic drug that alters a persons way of thinking, Dosage - The amount of drug that is taken, Narcotics - Group of drugs that acts on the CNS to stop pain. , Marsh Test - Used to detect arsenic, Depressant - Group of drug that relieves anxiety. , Schedule I - Drugs with the highest potential for abuse. , Schedule II - Drugs with high abuse potential but some medical use, Schedule V - Drugs with lowest abuse potential, Controlled Substance - legal drugs that are restricted based on their abuse potential. , Caffeine - Most commonly used Stimulant, Marijuana - Most commonly used Hallucinogen, Alcohol - Most commonly used Depressant, Presumptive Test - A color change test that is used to detect drugs in a sample, Confirmatory Test - Equipment used to determine what is in something. , Lethal Dose - Amount of drug that leads to death in 50% population, Botulin Toxin - The most toxic substance, Hemlock - The first documented used of poison. ,

Forensic Toxicology


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