1) What does the word suddenly mean? Suddenly a mouse jumped out of nowhere! a) rude b) caution c) unplanned 2) What does the word lively mean? The lively person was fun to be around. a) full of energy b) boring c) opera 3) What does the word lovely mean? I really like her lovely dress! a) pretty b) blue c) short 4) What does the word cautiously mean? He cautiously moved the fragile vase to the table so he wouldn't break it. a) fragile b) careful c) slow 5) What does the word certainly mean? I will certainly help you with whatever you need! a) without a doubt b) possibly c) quickly 6) What does the word quickly mean? The dog quickly ran across the field. a) fast b) sadly c) slow 7) What does the word slowly mean? The turtle slowly came over to me. a) going slow b) going fast c) going quick 8) What does carefully mean? She carefully played with the new puppy. a) caution b) scared c) slow

The Albertosaurus Mystery - Suffixes


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