1) Are you a cat or a dog person? 2) Tell three facts about yourself? 3) What languages do you know? 4) Who is your favorite movie character? 5) Who is your favorite book character? 6) Are you a good dancer? 7) What is your favorite food? 8) How do you usually start your day? 9) What is one thing you would like to master? 10) Do you play a musical instrument? 11) Do you like sports? What? 12) Are you a morning person or a night owl? 13) Do you have a goal for this semester?  14) Do you have any hobbies? 15) Do you play a sport?  16) What is your favorite holiday? Why? 17) What is your favorite subject in school? 18) Do you have any pets? 19) What do you like to do in your free time? 20) What kind of music do you like? 21) Do you like board games, video games or both? 22) What is one country you would like to visit? 23) Describe yourself in 3 adjectives. 24) What is your favorite book? Why? 25) What is your biggest dream? 26) Do you want to go to college?Where? 27) What is one talent you wish you had? 28) What career do you hope to have one day? 29) What is your favorite season? Why?  30) Where is somewhere fun you have traveled?

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