1)She looks so ____ next to him. 2)He is shy! Look at his ____ cheecks. 3) Oh my God, where has he bought these shorts? Come on, he is always ____. 4) Calm down mate, i know you are ____, but stop being this with your friends. 5) - She has such long legs and tiny waist. - It is called being ____. 6)Is she pregnant? I am really ____ right now. 7)- Kids are ____, they annoy me. - Stop being so ____. 1) To make the ends meet we need to ____ and work 24/7. 2) Come on, how could you even confuse it, ____ 3) They made a mistake, they've ____ and bought cheap design, so, of course, it looks horrible. 4) I would like to ____ at my new job as I want to get higher sallary. 5) Oh, believe me, ____, you won't even remember him in the new city. 6) I'm on an internship, so i'm still ____ 6) He is awful! He won't give you freedom, you have to do everything ____ 7) It's difficult in the beginning, however, we just need to ____ 8) I hope we'll become partners ____, I'm willing to work with you in the future. 9) He likes his job and gets high sallary, He's totally ____. 10) Tell me everything you know, we need to ____ 1) I am happy that she is ____ mum. 2) She is happy that he is ____ husband. 3) They are happy that he is ____ brother. 5) He is happy that she is ____ wife. 6) You are happy that it's ____ parents. 1) You are so slow, ____ or you gonna miss the train. 2) You can't just ____ working there, the salary is meager and working conditions are bad. 3) Oh, I don't manage to go by bus, can you ____ me? 4) She is nasty, she can't ____ with people well. 5) My mum's calling me, ____, I'll come back in a minute. 6) Your room is total mess, you need to ____ it. 7) Keep going, you will achieve an absolute success, you mustn't ____. 1) It is comfortable to use ____ if you want to travel inside the country. 2) Oh, 2 weeks without job, it will be the best ____! Should I go to Sapin? 3) I am afraid of using ____, its is in tunnel and it's scary! 4) We will fly by ____ to Turkey. 5) Do you see that place? We need to ____ by bus. 6) It's too far from here, we need to go by car, oh let's ____. 1) It's a very serious case you should not have any ____2) You must be genius! You study in Oxford, moreover, you are a ____. 3) Your irresponsibility will ____ many problems, take actions. 4) You've made a great progress, it was quite a ____ from a maid to sales manager. 5) He is a very ____ boy, he can't behave in public. 6) He can get away with law, he has rich ____ in government. 7) We've just found out about Mr. Storm's ____, when did he die? 8) I ____ I had more time to spend with my daughter. 9) People from different ____ are able to study here because we are all equal. 1. I have a birthday, so I need to ____ a birthday party, will you ____ it with me? 2. This new show on Netflix is really cool, I watched all ____ in a row. 3. Drinks in this bar ____ a fortune. 4. Let's ____ for a dinner, I know a good place. 5. Oh no, we ____ a bus, so we need to get a taxi. 6. It's too late, we need to go to ____. 7. - Is it a holiday today? There is a huge ____ in the supermaret. - Yes, it's almost Easter but this supermarket is the best in the city, so it is ____ it 1. apply for a - lose my - have a well-paid - a part-time - ____ 2 employ part-time - need more - train the - friendly and efficient - ____ 3 have a job - the___went badly - a phone - a hard - ____ 4 need more - give - attend staff - get basic - ____ 5 arrange a - go to a - have a staff - a positive - ____ 6 (not) be a - make it a - agree what the __ is / my main - ____ 7 have (got) a temporary - sign the - my___ends - agree a new - ____ 8 manage a - work on a new - a big - launch a new - ____ 1. Oh, I lost my previous ____, I need to find a new one. 2. If you pass a job ____, you can start working. 3. Project manager ____ meetings for workers. 4. As you are under 18 we will sign the temporary ____. 5. We have found a new sponsor, so we are able to launch a new ____. 6. My main ____ is my salary, so I keep working hard. 7. You still make mistakes, you need more ____. 1 You spend far too much time on social media. You're going to lose all your friends soon if you're not careful, to ____ it bluntly. 2 I don't like social media. To ____ with, everyone's so negative, and in addition there's so much false information. 3 I've had a terrible day. And to ____ it all, I've been locked out of my social media account. 4 l use loads of social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, to ____ but a few. 5 He didn't reply to my invite. Then, to ____ insult to injury, he planned something for the same day. 6 To ____ perfectly honest, if you post strong opinions on social media, you'll probably regret it ten or twenty years from now. 7 They started the network as a homework project as students and, to ____ a long story short, 20 years later it has grown into one of the biggest in the world. 8 l accidentally upset someone on Twitter today - I was trying to be funny but it didn't work. Then, to ____ matters worse, I tried to send a smiley emoticon but l sent an angry one by mistake.

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