Dull - boring, well-run - managed in a skillful way/ properly organised, congested - crowded; so crowded, it prevents freedom of movement , spotless - very clean, chaotic - in a state of complete confusion and disorder., run-down - in bad repair; in bad condition because no one has taken care of it for a while, sprawling - Stretched out; spreading out over a large area in an untidy or irregular way., hot and humid - the air is hot and moist, typically with a temperature at or above 90 °F and a relative humidity of 30% or more., compact - closely and neatly packed together; dense., affluent - rich (people)/ an affluent area: it has expensive shops and houses that sell quality items and all the people who live there are very rich, vibrant - lively; a place where lots of interesting things happen, safe and secure - certain to remain safe and unthreatened., polluted - contaminated with harmful or poisonous substances.,

Unit1: CITY LIFE adjectives (Outcomes Advanced 2nd edition)


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