vecuronium - relax skeletal muscles and promote synchrony with mechanical ventilation, sucralfate - prophylactic antiulcer medication (starts with an S), lorazepam - antianxiety medication (starts with L), propofol - sedation medication (starts with P), fentanyl - Fast acting pain medication with a short half life (starts with F), methylprednisolone - corticosteriod used to decrease inflammation, vancomycin - used to treat ARDs related infection. Follow up peak and trough labs required to monitor levels in blood, ARDs - sudden and progressive form of ARF in which the alveolar-capillary membrane becomes damaged and more permeable to intravascular fluid, mechanical vent - room air or oxygenated air is moved in and out of the lungs, pulmonary embolism - blockage of 1 or more pulmonary arteries by a thrombus, fat or air embolus, or tumor tissue, neuromuscular block - this med relaxes skeletal muscles and promote synchrony with mechanical ventilation, chest tube - A device that collects air or blood from the chest cavity., pneumothorax - air collection between the lung and thoracic cavity, hemothorax - blood collection between the lung and thoracic cavity, VAP - pneumonia that occurs 48 hours or more after ET intubation, prone - This positioning places a client on their stomach to promote ventilation, high - this ventilator alarm indicates a blockage, such as a kink, biting, or secretions, low - this vent alarm indicates a leak, such as accidental extubation, or tubing disconnection , delirium - methods to prevent this include: bundling care, reorienting patients, talking to patients when providing care, sleep schedules, and reducing alarms, arterial line - IV line used to draw ABGs and view hemodynamic status. NO IV FLUID INFUSION, Swanz-Ganz Catheter - Line used to measure PAWP, infuse fluids, and monitor hemodynamics, PAWP - Hemodynamic monitoring: measures left ventricular filling, Cardiac output - heart rate x stroke volume, SVR - Resistance to blood flow through the capillaries in organs (perfusion measurement), urine output - the best indicator of perfusion, tidaling - This up and down movement of water in concert with respiration reflects intrapleural pressure changes during inspiration and expiration, water seal - _______ ________ chamber: allows nurse to see if there is an air leak in a chest tube,

Week 1: Vocab & Meds


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