I had coffee for breakfast yesterday. - Ges i (Ces i) goffi i frecwast ddoe. , I had eggs for breakfast at the weekend. - Ges i (Ces i) wyau i frecwast dros y penwythnos. , She had toast for breakfast today. - Gaeth hi (Cafodd hi) dost i frecwast heddiw. , He had toast and jam and an egg for breakfast yesterday. - Gaeth e (Cafodd e) dost a jam ac wy i frecwast ddoe., Did you have lasagne for tea yesterday? - Gest ti lasagne i de ddoe? , Did you have porridge for breakfast at the weekend? - Gest ti uwd i frecwast dros y penwythnos? , What did you have for lunch? - Beth gest ti i ginio? , What did you have for supper last night? - Beth gest ti i swper neithiwr? , What did she have yesterday? - Beth gaeth hi (gafodd hi) ddoe? , What did he have in the café? - Beth gaeth e (gafodd e) yn y caffi? , Mair had a salad sandwich yesterday. - Gaeth (Cafodd) Mair frechdan salad ddoe. , Huw had bread and a yoghurt for lunch. - Gaeth (Cafodd) Huw fara ac iogwrt i ginio. , We had a message yesterday. - Gaethon ni (Cawson ni) neges ddoe. , We had a letter at the weekend. - Gaethon ni (Cawson ni) lythyr dros y penwythnos. , What did they have in the café? - Beth gaethon (gawson) nhw yn y caffi? , They had chips for supper. - Gaethon nhw (Caswon nhw) sglodion i swper. ,
Uned 11 cyfieithu (Gaeth e / Cafodd e)
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