Virginia Company of London  - granted charters to settlers to leave and establish a new colony in Virginia , Jamestown - first permanent settlement in Virginia , Captain John Smith - created the "No Work, No Food" policy , Pocahontas - daughter of Chief Powhatan , Werowocomoco - headquarters for Chief Powhatan, tobacco - crop the settlers learned to grow which helped them survive, deep water - one reason settlers picked Jamestown to settle, safe from Spanish attack - one reason settlers picked Jamestown to settle, fresh drinking water - one reason settlers picked Jamestown to settle , corn, beans, squash - the three sisters, burgesses - elected officials from each division of Virginia, General Assembly - first elective legislative body in Virginia , Africans - arrived in Jamestown in 1619, women - arrived in Jamestown in 1620 , gold and silver - what settlers hoped to find in Jamestown , raw materials - things found in Virginia and sent back to England, Portuguese - sailors that brought Africans to Jamestown for trade, Starving Time - the difficult winter when most settlers died,


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