edTPA - First nationally available performance-based assessment beginning teachers must pass in order to become fully certified., Tiered Certification - Levels of teacher certification in Georgia., Full Service Schools - Schools focusing on the whole child, work with student from birth to college graduation., Green Schools - School that creates a healthy environment, conducive to learning, while saving energy, environmental resources, and money., School Choice - K-12 public education options in the United States, describing a wide array of programs offering students and their families alternatives to publicly provided schools. , School Reform - Term defined as making changes to a school in an effort to make it better., Certification - Process by which prospective educators get teacher licensing to teach within a given area after completing required coursework, degrees, tests and other specified criteria., Retirement - Withdrawal from ones' position or occupation or from active working life., Socioeconomic Status (SES) - Social standing or class of an individual or group often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation., Culturally Responsive - Ability to learn from and relate respectfully with people of your own culture as well as those from other cultures., Student Centered Learning - Learning experiments that are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of individual students and groups of students., Critical Thinking - The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement., Classroom Climate - The prevailing mood, attitudes, standards, and tone that you and your students feel when they are in your classroom., Philosophy - A personal statement of a teacher's guiding principles about "big picture" education., Normal School - First version of school or college for the training of teachers.,
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