1) There ... two boys and two girls ... the garden. a) is, in b) are, in c) are, on d) is, under e) are, under 2) The boys ... bikes. a) haven't got b) have got c) are, on d) is, under e) are, under 3) The boys ... a ball. a) haven't got b) have got c) are, on d) is, under e) are, under 4) The girls ... a dog. a) haven't got b) have got c) are, on d) is, under e) are, under 5) They... jeans and T-shirts. a) are swimming b) are playing c) are wearing d) is wearing e) is playing 6) There .... a bird ... the tree. a) are, on b) are, under c) is, under d) is, on e) is, in 7) There ... two flowers ... the tree. a) are, on b) are, under c) is, under d) is, on e) is, in



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