-able, ible - able (suitable) adjective, -tion, -ation, -sion - action state of being  (attention, revision) noun, -sure, -ture - act, condition, process, function (pressure, exposure, conjecture), sive - like or pertaining to (pensive), tive - tending to” or “doing (perceptive), -ous, -cious, -tious, - ful of, having the quality of (fractious, furious), ate - to have be charaterized by (infuriate), age - (courage, manage), ary - resembling (unitary), ory - (adjective-resembling) (noun-place for, serves for), ant/ent - quality of one or who (defiant, president), ance/ence - noun-act of doing (violence, allowance), cial/tial - facial, essential , al - a account of related to (arrival, offical),

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