Networking Protocol - Defines rules and conventions for communication between network devices, TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol)  - Used for the internet and the vast majority of home and business networks today, Department of Defense (DOD) model - 4 layer networking model that formed the basis for the development of the TCP/IP suite., Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - Defines how messages are formatted and transmitted over the web., Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) - Ensures data is sent securely over the web., File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - Allows file transfer between computers without corruption or alteration., Post Office Protocol 3 (POP 3) - Used for downloading mail to local mail client., Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) - Used to retrieve email messages. Like POP 3 but with some advanced features., Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - Internet standard for transferring email messages between computers., Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) - Ensures a perfect copy of a message is sent., User Datagram Protocol (UDP) - Alternative to TCP that is faster at the cost of reliability, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) - Provides a means to send error messages and a way to probe the network to determine network availability., Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) - Part of the TCP/IP protocol for determining the MAC address based on the IP address.,

Networking Protocol Basics (8.2)


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