Hardware - The physical components of a computer., Software - Programs that run on the computer, Operating System - Manages memory allocation among applications, System Software - Programs that run on the computer that help the computer perform tasks., Motherboard - Where the processor and memory live., Input Device  - How you give information to your computer, Artificial Intelligence - The capability of a machine to imitate human behavior., 1994 - DNA computers were first introduced by Leonard Adleman., 1981 - Paul Benioff first applied quantum theory to computing., 1613 - The word “computer” was first used., 2600 BC - Chinese abacus, 1910 - Henry Babbage constructs part of Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine., 1936 (1) - Konrad Zuse’s - First binary digital computer & Alan Turing’s Turing Machine theory - The first universal computing machine Alan Turing’s Turing Machine theory - The first universal computing machine, 1936 (2) - Alan Turing’s Turing Machine theory - The first universal computing machine, 1946 - ENIAC - First electronic general-purpose computer, 1950 - UNIVAC - First modern computer, 1975 - First portable computer from IBM.,

What is Computing Vocabulary & Timeline Dates


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