1) Keep the commandments, in this there is safety and p. 146 a) laws. b) peace. c) the prophet. 2) And left the tomb where he had lain p. 88 a) The bands of death, he broke b) to visit Mary and the Gardner c) because the seed needed sunshine 3) After Christ was crucified and died for you and me, he came p.119 a) to the city riding on a donkey. b) to visit the ocean. c) forth to teach the truth to all who would believe 4) On a golden springtime in a forest glade, p. 88 a) the Father and the Son Appeared b) a bear scared Joseph Smith c) the rains came down and the floods came up 5) The wise man built his house a) In Orangevale, CA b) On the rock. c) On the sand. 6) Hold to the Rod, the iron rod a) 'tis strong and bright and true b) holds up buildings c) was used by Laman to beat Nephi 7) Book of Mormon Stories that my teacher tells to me p.118 a) were written on stone tablets. b) Put animals on the ark c) are about the Lamanites in ancient history 8) What is the 1st article of faith? p. 122 a) We believe in God the Eternal Father … b) Faith is like a seed c) Hope is faith’s best friend 9) What is the 2nd Article of Faith? a) Joseph Smith lived in New York b) … and not for Adam’s transgressions c) Russsell M. Nelson was a doctor.

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