hit the books - study, go over smth - review smth, at the end of one's rope - frustrated,stressed out, mind/memory like a steel trap - a great memory, on the tip of one's tongue - on the verge of remembering smth, mull smth over - consider, think smth over, hung up on sb/smth - stuck on sb/smth, what's his/her face - person's name can't remembered, come down hard on someone - reprimand someone harshly, catch hell from sb - get reprimanded harshly, tell someone off - talk angrily to someone when they've done smth wrong, chew someone out - criticize someone harshly, badmouth someone - say negative things about someone, have it in for someone - get even with someone, seek revenge, run into someone - meet someone by accident, cover for someone - provide an alibi for someone, new flame - new lover, come down with smth - get a cold/the flu, come up with smth - think of smth, vivid - colorful, dramatic, vibrant, coming along - processing, make a dent in smth - make little progress in smth, surf the net - use the internet, weight off one's shoulders - a relief,

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