Zusha - says you should be the most you you can be, Baruch Dayan HaEmet - Rest in Peace, Kohelet - also known as King Solomon (Melech Shlomo), BatSheva - Uriah's wife, Uriah - King David's general King David had killed so he could have his wife, Solomon - BatSheva & David's second child, Avshalom - Killed his brother Amnon, Amnon - King David's son who raped his sister, Tamar., Tamar - Avshalom's sister and Amnon's half-sister, Yoav - King David's advisor, Pshat - The simple meaning of a text, Drash - Our explanation of a text, Remez - The hints in a text that teach us something, Sod - Secret mystical meanings of a text, Tshuvah - Repentance, Bein Adam L'Atzmo בֵּין אָדָם לְעַצמוֹ - Between a person and themself., Bein Adam L'Chaveiro בֵּין אָדָם לְחֲבֵרוֹ - Between a person and another person (people), Bein Adam la-Makom בֵּין אָדָם לָמָּקוֹם - Between a person and G-d (or universe/nature), Rabbi Chanina Ben Dosa's wife's lesson - Don't be embarrassed about your struggles, Acher - The rabbi who was considered a heretic.,

Torah Terms 22-23


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