1) What is the correct volume of the object? a) 4 mL b) 5 mL c) 6 mL 2) What is the correct volume of the object? a) 2 mL b) 20 mL c) 200 mL 3) What is the correct volume of the object? a) 1 mL b) 5 mL c) 10 mL 4) What is the correct volume of the object? a) 0.1 mL b) 0.8 mL c) 0.9 mL 5) What is the correct volume of the object? a) 4 mL b) 3 mL c) 5 mL 6) What is the correct volume of the object? a) 19 mL b) 20 mL c) 10 mL 7) What is the correct volume of the object? a) 20 mL b) 40 mL c) 60 mL 8) What is the correct volume of the object? a) 7 mL b) 5 mL c) 6 mL 9) What is the correct volume of the object? a) 50 mL b) 2 mL c) 5 mL


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