bridge - a structure that goes over a river, road, or land, building - a place with a roof and walls, made out of wood, metal, or stone, like a house or store, city - a place where many people live and work, cold - having a low temperature, dry - having little or no water, hot - having a high temperature, land - the part of Earth not covered with water, landmark - an object or place that is well known by a large number of people and identifies a town, country, or location, map - a picture of an area that shows where things are located, mountain - land that rises high above the other land around it, rainforest - an area that has a lot of rain, warm weather, and lots of plants and trees, river - a wide path of water with land on both sides, travel - to go from place to place, water - a clear liquid that covers most of the Earth, waterfall - flowing water that falls down the side of a cliff or hill, wet - covered with water,

February Vocabulary


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