1) Open or Closed syllable? Mo a) Open b) Closed 2) Open or closed syllable?   Pax a) Open b) Closed 3) Open or closed syllable?  Quick a) Open b) Closed 4) Which words follow the "Cry Baby" rule? a) shy b) lazy c) cross d) shady 5) How should this word be divided? a) ro-bot b) rob-ot 6) How should this word be divided? a) ca-bin b) cab-in 7) How should this word be divided? a) Na-vy b) Nav-y 8) How should this word be divided? a) chi-pmunk b) chipm-unk c) chip-munk d) ch-ipmunk 9) How should this word be divided? a) chunk-y b) chun-ky c) chu-nky d) ch-unky 10) How should this word be divided? a) reg-ret b) re-gret c) regr-et d) r-egret 11) How should the /k/ be spelled?  ja_et a) c b) ck c) k 12) How should the /k/ be spelled?  cro_us a) c b) ck c) k 13) How should the /k/ be spelled? bro_ en a) c b) ck c) k 14) Which of the following follow the "Music Trick" rule? a) medic b) gridlock c) picket d) clinic 15) If a vowel is short and you can't hear anything closing it off, double the next letter that you hear. This is the___ rule. a) Music Trick b) Cry Baby c) Picnic Chicken Basket d) Happy 16) When you hear /see/ at the end of a multisyllable word, spell the sound with ___. a) see b) y c) cy d) ci 17) Picnic Chicken Basket helps with /k/ in the middle. In which order should you try the letters for this sound? a) ck-c-k b) k-ck-c c) c-k-ck d) c-ck-k 18) Which of the following is spelled incorrectly? a) allready b) alter c) wall d) football 19) Which of the following is spelled incorrectly? a) mummy b) bugy c) piggy d) buddy 20) Which of the following is spelled incorrectly? a) egscept b) extend c) exist d) extract 21) Which word has syllable 1 accented (CAM-pus)? a) be-long b) ex-it c) re-tract d) re-quest 22) Which word has syllable 2 accented (con- FESS)? a) rub-bish b) trel-lis c) jel-ly d) ex-cept 23) Which letter goes to schwa? What rule does it follow? Boston a) o; Cancel Pencil b) o; Banana Rule c) o; Texas Blossom 24) Which letter goes to schwa? What rule does it follow?  infant a) i; Cancel Pencil b) a; Cancel Pencil c) a; Texas Blossom 25) Which letter goes to schwa? What rule does it follow? rental a) e; Cancel Pencil b) a; Cancel Pencil c) a; Texas Blossom 26) Which letter goes to schwa? What rule does it follow? ultra a) a; Banana Rule b) a; Texas Blossom c) u; Banana Rule 27) Which letter goes to schwa? What rule does it follow? Pacific a) i; Cancel Pencil b) a; Banana Rule c) i; Banana Rule 28) How should this word be divided? a) cont-ract b) contr-act c) contra-ct d) con-tract 29) How should this word be divided? a) tan-trum b) tant-rum c) ta-ntrum d) tantr-um 30) How should this word be divided? a) hops-cotch b) hop-scotch c) ho-pscotch d) hopsc-otch 31) How should this word be divided? a) hundr-ed b) hund-red c) hu-ndred d) hun-dred 32) How should this word be divided? a) gangpl-ank b) gan-gplank c) gang-plank d) gangp-lank 33) How should this word be divided? a) con-strict b) co-nstrict c) cons-trict d) const-rict 34) How should this word be divided? a) vol-can-o b) volc-an-o c) vol-ca-no 35) How should this word be divided? a) acr-o-bat b) a-cro-bat c) a-crob-at d) ac-ro-bat 36) How should this word be divided? a) ma-gnet-ic b) mag-net-ic c) magn-et-ic d) ma-gne-tic 37) How should this word be divided? a) vanit-y b) va-nit-y c) van-i-ty 38) How should this word be divided? a) cin-e-ma b) ci-ne-ma c) cinem-a 39) Which vowel team goes in the blank? gr_ a) ee b) y c) ay 40) Which vowel team goes in the blank? frisb__ a) ee b) y c) ay 41) Which vowel team goes in the blank? identif_ a) ee b) y c) ay 42) Which vowel team goes in the blank? tomat_ a) ee b) y c) ay d) o 43) Which vowel team goes in the blank? sn_ a) o b) oe c) ow d) ue 44) Which vowel team goes in the blank? st__ a) ue b) o c) ew d) oe 45) Which vowel team goes in the blank? subd__ a) ue b) o c) ew d) oe 46) Which vowel team goes in the blank? t__ a) ue b) ay c) ew d) oe 47) Which vowel team goes in the blank? f__m a) ee b) ai c) oa d) o 48) Which vowel team goes in the blank? __l a) ee b) ay c) oa d) y 49) Which vowel team goes in the blank? r__n a) ee b) ai c) oa d) y 50) Which vowel team goes in the blank? qu_l a) ay b) oa c) ee d) ai

Barton Book 4 Review


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